August 2, 2019

A Day in Cartagena— A Visual Story

Photos shot on iPhone— Cartagena, July 2019

This place may be the most touristy place here in Colombia, but when you're in the area of Bocagrande, aka around the beachside, it seems like you forget about everything, and your mind kind of shut down itself, like you just simply forget about whatever problem you may have and just relax and have the greatest time of your life, at least, this is what I feel whenever I come back to this place and it was exactly how I felt that day. 

This trip was not a vacation one, but even in the chaos of what was going on at the moment, I got to see the good in the bad, it gave even more meaning as to why one should enjoy life and whatever it throws at us, because at the end there is always a light, there is always a victory, a triumph. Life is not  only about good times but also bad times that too shall pass, because they're temporary and this trip made me think of it quite a lot! 

I took these photos while my dad was driving the car, and I am very happy with the outcome, I used my phone to be more spontaneous— again this was not a vacation trip, we went there due to a  family calamity  —and even if it may have been rude of me to do use my phone while I should not have, this was a way for me to disconnect myself from real world and try not to put so much thought into what was happening around me in that moment, because I have my own way to deal with problems.

While I was taking each one of these photos and just being back at this place even if the circunstances were other, it gave me some type of peacefulness when we were all just too tired, stressed and very emotional all at once. These photos are the representation of us arriving, heading to where we were supposed to go and then en route back home. 

It may have not been a vacation trip, but this trip made me appreciate even more my family and every second I get to spend with them, there are a few months left for the year to be over, but this year has been so perfect so far, I couldn’t trade it for anything in the world and I am so thankful for that and if I were to describe it now with one word, it has to be “family”, this year has been all about my family and I'm keeping all these memories with me. 

And even though this time was a slightly different type of visit, I was yet to enjoy the beauty of this place and the joy it brings to my life even if I'm at my worst. It left this bittersweet moment on me as I wanted to stay longer, but I know I'll be back there sometime soon.


  1. Love the black and white photos. Such a cool feel! And I've been wanting to visit there for awhile now, so I appreciate this post!!


    1. Thank you SO much Shauna! You're more than welcome here, I hope you can visit it very soon! Have a lovely day! xo

  2. These are such a beautiful photos! Love the one of the palm tree!
    Have a lovely day! xx

    1. Thank you SO much Tuğba! That's one my favorite shots too, I could actually frame it! Have a lovely day as well! xo

  3. The images are so beautiful and I a, glad to hear you know how to escape problems and hard times in life I do the same I use photography and dance. Thanks for sharing these moments and enjoy time with your family xoxo Cris

    1. Thank you SO much Cris! Yes, I mean we all have them, but I try my best not to think of them and/or worry a lot, I really do care but try not to give them so much importance because sometimes there are things where I can do nothing humanly possible, and that's how it was on this day, so I just escaped from it and started to take photos instead! That's good you also dance, I love dancing or at least I try to. Not good at it, tho! Haha! Wish you have a beautiful day! xo

  4. What a beautiful photos and writing, Melissa! Cartagena, is one of my favorites too, hoping I can also go back there soon! I hope you and your family are all doing great and it's good that you're enjoying your time with them! :) x

    1. Thank you SO much Maria Paula! Hope you come back very soon, so much have changed! Yes, we're all doing great! Wish you have a beautiful day! xo

  5. Beautiful photos, I can't believe they were taken on your phone in a car. They turned out perfectly. I love that you chose black and white for a lot of them too, it suits the style of the post so well x


    1. Thank you SO much Sophie! I really did not have much hopes that they'd turn this good, I was quite surprised afterwards when I saw there some good takes! Black and white photography is my favorite and I wanted to tell a story through them and I think I managed to do it, so thank you for noticing that! Have a beautiful day! xo

  6. I've actually always wanted to go visit Columbia. It looks like a beautiful country. I love that you took a vacay and time with family as it is super important to disconnect and really enjoy your trip without being bothered to post and take photos. Thanks for sharing these pictures.


    1. Thank you Christine! It really is so beautiful, I haven't been to most cities yet, but from what I've seen, there's so much more to see and explore! Well, this trip was not a vacation one, the circumstances about why we went there was due to a family calamity, but even in the midst of everything that was going on, I decided to take some photos to escape from reality and have some peace inside me and not worry that much! Have a beautiful day! xo

  7. Gorgeous photos Hun, I've always wanted to go to Columbia it looks so stunning! x

    Grace Louise ||

    1. Thank you SO much Grace! It really is so beautiful, every city is different and unique. There's so much more to see and explore. Hope you can come soon, you're more than welcome here! :) Have a beautiful day! xo

  8. I love these photos. I hope you and your family are doing alright. :)

    xx Avalon from Simply Avalon

    1. Thank you SO much Avalon! Yes, we're all doing alright! Have a beautiful day! xo

  9. Beautiful photos Melissa, it's a big city, the new and old side by side!!!

    1. Thank you SO much Marisa! Yes, I love that about it, it's really one of my favorite cities! Have a beautiful day! xo

  10. Beautiufl pictures, I can't belive you took them from the car, they came out amazing.

    1. Thank you SO much Nina! I couldn't believe it either, it really took me for surprise as I was expecting more blurry photos. hahaha! Have a beautiful day! xo

  11. So gorgeous and moody! Makes me want to visit!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  12. What really pretty photos! I love the arty black and white!
    Raindrops of Sapphire

  13. These are really lovely snaps dear! Love your photos!
    Jessica |

  14. How amazing you took these photos while your dad was driving the car :) They're each very mysterious and seem to tell a story! x

  15. You got a lot of great photos, even if the trip wasn't an enjoyable fun one it's good you got to see the beauty in things while you were there! :)

    Hope that you have had a great weekend :)

    Away From Blue

  16. I love the angle with which the photos are taken, Amazing photos

  17. Awesome pics!!


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