December 31, 2020

A Letter to 2020


Just like every year I always write this post, I know I've been a little absent in here for the past few months, and with the current situation I kind of started lacking inspiration and creativity. I've never been one to post just because but rather post when I meant it to, like today for example. I also couldn't end this year without writing something that was yet still meaningful to me in here. 

2020 was a year nobody expected that would turn out the way it did, sometimes I find myself thinking about my history classes back in school where I would hear about WWI &WWII, and never in my life I thought I would go through a pandemic and it'd be something I would tell either to my kids or little cousins that are both just one years old and ignore what's even going on, they just see us wearing masks. It was definitely a roller coaster of emotions, there were some up and downs, but since I never look back on the negative things and more on the postive side, it was a beatiful year despite everything. 

I started my 2020 by going to this theme park, me as the twenty something years old woman that I am, I still sometimes feel like a child, like there was that little girl trapped inside of me, I went and got on my favorite rides and for once I was happy, my dad, he did also got in one but he ended up throwing up after we got back home, still we made the best of us and our time that day. Then, slowly the fear of the virus reaching our hometown happened, we went into lockdown, curfews, we weren't able to go out but only once a week or every two weeks and that went for like 3 months or so. I found myself a little lost as in during the quarantine days, I had meltdowns because I realized how much I wanted to have a job, out of all the things, this was the one I longed for the most, and I still do to this day. Dad's situation with his job, had us worried as well, but thanks God he wasn't fired but relocated in our hometown, and started going back to the office, there were really but tough moments that we as a family went through but we were happy and blessed and I wouldn't take that for granted. In fact, this is the first time in so many years my dad get to spends this much of time with us, as he has always worked away from home, so we're thankful for this and I'm beyond happy and thankful for this opportunity we have. 

Months went by, and they started re-opening things again, when the limit to have get-together was 10 people, we went to spend some time with my great-grandma for her 100th birthday, after that we locked ourselves at home again, and it's until now we've slowly been visiting both grandmas, and also I've got to see and spend time with my little cousins, we didn't see them since they were newborns, so slowly making more memories with them and today's my grandma's birthday, we may visit her and spend some time with her and maybe wait until the clock marks 12:00 or be back home before that since there's a curfew starting at 1am up until 6am. Also beause of this we haven't been able to go to church, but thanks to the internet we've had live-streaming teaching services that my family and I have been able to watch from home, so that we haven't been nor felt alone because we have still make some time to God. 

I am really thankful for all of these memories, for this year itself, like there was up and downs but we still got to hang-in-there as a family, I just feel very thankful for everything and I hope 2021 will be another year of more new blessings and opportunities and hopefully, this pandemic can be over very soon too. Nothing left to say than I wish you all a happy new year. Don't look back on the negative but cherish the positive instead. May God bless you all! 

With love,


  1. Happy Birthday to your grandmother! Thank you for stopping by blog and leaving such a thoughtful comment! Wishing you a Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you SO much Pilar! I appreciate it, you too have a happy new year! xo

  2. Melissa, so good to know you’re doing good— once again this was beautifully written, and like you mentioned it, despite the bad times, there were some good to it. I hope you also have a happy new year. Stay safe and take care! xo

    1. Hi Camille, it's been so long! Hope you're doing good as well! Thank you for your support all these years, I appreciate it! Have a lovely day! xo

  3. Such a beautiful post, Melissa! I love how you always share the positive things and experiences about the year, rather than complaining in some way. This is why I enjoy reading your blog! Hope you’re doing well, and wish you a very happy new year! ♥️ xx

    1. Thank you SO much Tuğba for your comment, support and following me along all these years! Hope you're doing good as well! xoxo

  4. Such a beautiful post Melissa! I do agree with the last part on “don’t look back on the negative things but cherish the positive experiences”. Despite all it, in my case was also a beautiful year, I got to spend time with my loved ones too! Happy 2021, here’s to more blessings and beautiful memories! xx

    1. Thank you SO much Mikayla! I'm very happy to know that you got to spend time with your loved ones, I feel like most of us, if not all, got to be closer to them! :) Happy 2021! xx


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