January 4, 2020

The Promise of New Beginnings

With new year comes new changes and that also means growth. Every year is a brand new start and every minute, day and year of just being alive counts, and as times goes by, I learn to appreciate other things and stop worrying about others and letting go of those that don't do any good to me, just like how it should be. Why worry or why mortify oneself, right? I could say 2019 was the most and biggest reflective year I have ever had, like I mentioned it on my last post, so much thinking went into that year that I could see and understand so many things. 

Whilst I do not believe on resolutions, I stick to realistic goals that I can do and achieve every single day, because that's how it should be like, an every day thing and not something of one day, or a month, at least in my opinion- but yet I happen to fail at them sometimes, and all I gotta do is to strive and work harder every time, it's like falling but then needing to stand up again and continue walking or running down the road if you want to get to the finish line.

So whilst I already have my own and every day goals and I'm sticking to those, I also want to share the ones I plan on doing to start from scratch or get back to.


One thing I want to change and do different to start off this year right has to do with my instagram. For years, my blog and instagram used to go hand-in-hand, by the time the "archiving" option didn't exist back then since it's a new feature and those posts no longer exist now because I deleted them back in 2014 or so, most from maybe 2015-2016 to this day are archived. The thing is photos from when i started to now, have been the same, aka, taking/posting photos of products, accessories, magazines, flowers, travels, etc. the only difference is that my photography skills have gotten better with time and that's something I'm proud of and thankful too.

The idea of stop posting those even if some consider it very "aesthetically pleasing" and while I appreciate the amount of love, likes, support and all the engagement it brought, I do not know if I want to keep on doing the same anymore, I've got the idea or thought that if I keep on sharing those type of photos - whilst for me, was to build my own portfolio and/or improve my photography skills - others may think I'm showing off what I own when I am actually not, and I know I shouldn't care about what everyone else thinks, like I know it's my instagram and I can share whatever I want and/or like but also, feel like it's something that I have done for so many years, that I now want to stop doing  it and close that page, you know. So my idea for 2020 onwards is to spice things up and just level up my instagram game, so while I will stop posting those type of things, I want to start sharing more photos of me, because ever since I started blogging that's what I have always wanted what I had in my mind for so many years. Ever since 2017 or so I started doing self-portrait, thanks to babe Helen from StyleStructure, who has been my motivation/inspiration, and doing that has helped me a lot with my self-confidence, and I feel like I want to do that and share more of that but also me and still my love for photography, as well as some of my favorite things to go along with my 'feed' (flowers, places, or any other random things). I really have lots of ideas, and it's another way for me to get creative, share all the things I love but also overcome some little fears I have had. I want it to be more of a positive and inspiring place.

As for photography, I already started a separate instagram account back in 2018 and I've been  recently updating that one with photos from old and recent travel adventures as well as from other bits & bobs of life that probably never made it to my main account. So, this one is something I started doing from last year.


While I'm here talking about instagram and photography, another thing I want to keep on improving and learning is photography and how to edit my photos, I feel like last year I succeded at it, especially with my black and white travel photos taken with my phone, if you have followed me for so many years, you may know how much I love photography and how passionate I'm about it and it's something that I want to keep on doing and a world I want to keep on exploring and learning more of, even if it's just a "hobby" for me.


This is something that I also want to do more of this year, ever since I graduated, I haven't touched any paper, nor pencil or color pencils, markers, watercolors, nothing. But the other day, I was getting rid of old University projects, and was cleaning and re-organising my stuff, and looked at my color pencils and something told me that I should try it again. Obviously when it comes to this, it brings old memories of me getting frustrated and desperate because I didn't know how to draw and do all this type of stuff when I started studying this career, but as time have gone by and I've grown and learned that this is something that I want to do and already love my career so much, I want to get back to it but also get better at it and what not, design my own clothes and wear them, haha!

I have more, but I don't know if I will stick to those, I feel like the more goals you set the hard is to make them all happen, so I prefer to start slow and with a few, and these are the most important ones for me and ones that I can start doing from now on. And the best thing of all of this, is that is gonna help and be good for my soul and that my friends, is the best thing that I can do for myself. 


  1. Once again, this was such a beautiful post to read! I am glad you want to start over again your Instagram. It’s good to start fresh, I also feel like sometimes it’s good because it can be a toxic platform as well as it can be a damage to your mental health, while that’s nobody’s intention but some of us get through it and that’s what we might perceive, so your plans/idea with it, sounds good to be honest! As long as you keep on sharing your photography (skills) and creativity is all good! 🤗

    1. Thank you SO much Tuğba! Yes, this was something that was spinning around my head for a while, I do agree with you on that, I don't know how many people I have unfollowed and it feels good, I kinda went through something like it last year too and it was such a damage to me but glad I found out earlier and acted immediately, it's all good now, somehow you can feel the pressure to stand to out too, feels like you're running a marathon, but now I don't care about numbers or anything like it, I will keep on sharing photos that make me happy and have a special meaning for me and that's it! Have a lovely day! xo

  2. These sound like fantastic goals! I'm totally with you on not setting any resolutions, but actual goals that I plan out exactly how I'm going to achieve them, and I actively work them until they get achieved.

    Happy 2020!


    1. Thank you SO much dear! That's how it should really be like! Happy 2020 for you as well! xo

  3. Sounds like you already have a pretty flexible plan for yourself this 2020. I hope you get to do more illustrating. I love doing calligraphy and know how great it is for clearing my mind and while you're in a different situation I hope this new year brings more clarity and time for you to do the things you enjoy.

    - Avalon from www.simplyavalon.com

    1. Thank you SO much dear, that's so sweet of you! Yes, it works better for me to set goals I want to achieve throughout the year and every single day of my life, it's much more realistic for me. I have just started illustrating and I'm positive about it, but now will try to think of how many hours I can do, if maybe 1 or two a day, I don't also want to put so much pressure on myself but instead just go with the flow but the thing is, I need to get better at it, I feel the exact same way, kinda relaxes me too, hopefully will start slow but surely will get back to it and also enjoy it! :) xo

  4. I loved this! It’s true when you say you should start slow and with a few goals rather than a never ending list because at the end, most of that either never happens or you lose track of it. I have to say that I really loved and still love your Instagram feed, it is so beautiful but like you also said, everything has its own time, and if you already had this on mind and you feel like it’s time to spice things up, go for it, so all the best to you in this new chapter, I know you’ll keep on sharing the most beautiful photos/portraits, because you’re also beautiful Melissa! ♥️

    1. Thank you SO much Camille! Exactly, that's how I feel about it, that's why setting realistic goals to try and do everyday works better for me! Awww, that's so sweet of you, thank you but thank you so so so much for your support always, this really means a lot to me! Yes, I want to share more of my self-portraits but I know I will also share other little bits & bobs of my favorite things, this is such a huge step for me, one that I wanted to take a long while ago but it didn't happen until now because it wasn't the time, now I feel more confident about it and that's all that matters the most! xo

  5. happy new year! These are great goals to have! I think that the beauty of social media like Instagram is that it changes as we do - it sounds like you have some exciting things in mind to make it more of what you love :)

    Hope that your week is going well :) It's a busy week here as it's my first week back at work after the Christmas break! I've got what I wore for Christmas up on the blog now.

    Away From Blue

    1. Thank you SO much Mica! Happy new year to you as well! Yes, I agree with you on that. Absolutely, these are the things I love but want to do more of! Yes, it's all good in here, I can't believe it's already Wednesday, time's flying! All the best for you and your work. I'll later stop by on your blog to check it out, I always love your outfits! Have a beautiful day! xo

  6. Same here! I like to stick to realistic goals also since I do want to accomplish them! You are very wise and this post was truly spot on!
    Happy Wednesay, babe!
    xoxo, Vanessa

    1. Thank you SO much Vanessa! Exactly, the idea is to accomplish them at the end, but again for me, it's more of a everyday thing, so that I don't put myself into pressure to accomplish something at a certain time! Happy wednesday to you as well! Have a beautiful day! xo

  7. I wish you all the best in 2020! :)

    Shoot for the stars | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Facebook page | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Instagram

    1. Thank you SO much! All the best for you as well! xo

  8. Same, I make goals each day as I go instead of resolutions.
    Good luck with achieving your goals in 2020!


    1. Thank you SO much! Same thing for you, all the best! xo

  9. These are all really exciting goals! Good luck with starting a new Instagram as well; that will be a lovely fresh start for you. I plan on starting a dedicated home account at some point once I settle somewhere in the future! Happy New Year!

    aglassofice.com x

    1. Thank you SO much Gabrielle! I truly appreciate it, I feel like it will be hard to transition but I guess even though it may seem hard it's the best thing I can do for me now. We'll see how that goes for me! That would be so nice, I have been so into home decor and interiors as well, plan on doing the same in the future as well! :) Happy new year to you as well babe, all the best! xo

  10. Well I hope you can achieve all your resolutions! I would also like to do some manual stuff... maybe knitting! We'll see ;)
    have a great weekend!



    1. Thank you SO much Eli! I hope the same as well, finding it a little bit hard as of now, but being positive about it all, wouldn't like to put pressure on myself to achieve all of this but at least do them more often. Knitting sounds amazing, I once tried it as a kid but failed at it, still been curious to learn at some point in the near future! :) You too have a great weekend as well! xo

  11. These goals are very much realistic and I think will be easily achievable! I stopped Instagram well over a year ago because it really sucked all the joy out of everything. The numbers game, algorithms, it just felt like fighting a losing battle. I do want to attempt to return this year, but I need to figure out how and what I want to post. I don't want to post things for the sake of numbers. Or because it's visually appealing and what I think people want to see. I want to be more creative and more descriptive in captions too. Even if no one bothers to read those. I want to do it for me.


    1. Thank you SO much Sonia! Yes, I get that a lot, although I have never cared about the amount of numbers of likes, or if people would follow me or not, the algorithm part really hit me hard as well. Also part of my decision is that maybe I lost myself and found my content to be similar to others, and that's when I realized I didn't longer want to do it, plus it was something that I have been doing for so many years that I don't longer feel like doing it anymore. Figuring out how and what is a process of so much thought but I know you'll figure it out very soon, as long as you know the "why"s you're doing it, (for you) then the rest will follow. I would gladly read your caption, I love reading long blog posts and captions on IG, I used to do that too, again, 'lost myself' but hopefully will get back on to writing more in here and on my IG captions! xo

  12. Hi babe good luck with your resolutions I know you can achieve them well xoxo Cris


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