January 3, 2018

The Promise of New Beginnings

I like beginnings that start off with a brand new day, waking up and have the delight of still being alive, breathing the fresh air of a chilly weather at 5am. Make and have myself some coffee and witness one of God’s most beautiful creation, the sunrise, the first sign that makes me think “it’s going to be a great day, surprise me”;  while the rest of the world either still is fast asleep or are also preparing for their new day. 

Each day for me, it counts as a blessing, an opportunity to live and be alive, to enjoy the very small things in life and forget for what it is outside in the world even the most vanal things. Yes, responsibilities are still responsibilities but often times we are dragged by those and we simply forget to live a life well lived and it’s by then when it comes all the regrets, all the "I wish I had” or "I wish I had done this or that"; but above all, to continue being thankful. 

Being it the new year already, I do not intend to start making a resolution list with an analysis of my shortcomings from last year and being it another resolution post shared publicly to suffocate the internet, I don't aim to veer this post that way; I simply and honestly do not believe in them, they seem so unrealistic and they put you either into so much pressure to get them all done in a year or fall into depression for that you didn't achieve all of them as you thought you would; and as for the new year new changes? I'll be always changing, every day, every month, every year for the rest of my life; I as you, we are a work in constant progress and I for sure have that so clear on my mind. 

Instead I crave for a better life, a life with no regrets or anything holding me back, with feelings deep in my heart that are not feelings but ties that become obstacles and fears, a life where I get to enjoy the smallest things in life, enjoy life as it was my last day; make the most beautiful memories as much as I can and treasure those moments for that it's what we bring when we are called to abandon this place called Earth, a life where nothing material matters me, I used believe that was something so important years ago but how wrong I was. 

I have no goals set for 2018 other than let the Lord surprise me one more time, for that I’ve seen His love, grace, compassion and power, for making me believe that nothing is impossible for Him, for teaching me that what I have I owe it all to Him, that I don't depend on anyone else but Him. I want to keep on growing my Faith, giving Him the first place He deserves and keep on scrutinizing the sacred scriptures, the bible, for that I aim to put into practice His doctrine in my everyday life to become a better me and also I want to continue to be able to spend quality time and be surrounded with my loved ones, and just enjoy every moment of it. I want to simply enjoy life this way and be happy and that's the promise of new beginnings.

 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.  — Matthew 6:31  

Until next time! See you guys soon! xx


  1. WOW! This is so beautifully written! I said it once and will say it again, you're such an inspiring person Melissa! It amazes me the love you have for God and that you've been open to talk about Him whenever you can. You seem to have such beautiful feelings and this post really got me; it's incredible to see you somehow do not care about material things and don't believe in resolutions either, I totally agree with every single thing you've said, this is a very honest post that leaves you with a moment to reflect, it feels like a veil was lifted of my face and why not, do the same exact thing. I want to also enjoy the smallest things on life and don't take anything for granted. Thanks for sharing this! I hope this year comes with beautiful blessings! ♥ xx

    1. Thank you SO much Tuğba! I really do appreciate your thoughts always, and thanks for following me! It's not that I do not care but I have learned to not care or believe in them with time; like I mentioned in the post, those are no longer that important for me anymore. :)

      I'm so happy it felt that way for you dear and that this post left you with that message! There's nothing better than that. That's something you would never regret but be proud of instead! ♥ xoxo

  2. A beautiful and very honest piece of writing!!! It was so lovely to read this. I look forward to enjoying more the smallest things in life from now on! Thanks for sharing this! x

    1. Thank you SO much Mikayla! It makes me so happy to hear/know/read this! I'm glad to know that!!! ♥ xo

  3. I hope you have a wonderful new year.

    1. Thank you SO much Courtney! I hope you too!!! ♥ xo

  4. This is such a frecking beautiful post Melissa! Best thing I've read online today! I'm so happy you're back at writing and sharing it with all of us. This is the best resolution one could make for the rest of their life. I as well want to live a simple and well lived life! Thanks for this babe! Hope you have an amazing 2018! ♥ xx

    1. Thank you SO much Maria Paula! I have felt inspired lately, so why not share it?! :) Yes, I totally agree with you, that's why every day counts as a blessing! I hope you as well have an amazing one! All the best! Sending lots of love to your way! ♥ xo

  5. Love the photos!


  6. Beautiful words and photos! Wish you all the best in 2018! :)


    1. Thank you SO much hun!!! I wish you all the best as well! ♥ xo

  7. Your post absolutley amazing! Fantastic photos!

  8. thanks for your honesty and these calm and beautiful photos
    xx grace http://www.my-dailycouture.com/


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